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Mmmfishtacos said:

Sorry, Motor Storm is on ps4 cause the sales where dropping with each release and the same people are making drive club because they've wanted to for 10 + years. You do know it's the same guys right? 


Second GT will well anywhere from 22-25 million copies this gen alone. So I think as for as profitability goes they are number 1 for Sony. 

I know it's from the same people.  It even reads that very sentence I mentioned Motorstorm 

Also what I meant when saying Polyphony Digital is the worst studio for being profitable isn't how much Gran Turismo sold.  We all know Gran Turismo is going to sell well because it's Gran Turismo.  It's the fact that Polyphony Digital could have helped the Playstation brand so much more than they did by better management of the brand.  They didn't have to try and maximize the power of the PS3 on the very first game, because after all that, they still used higher resolution versions of most vehicles that people bitched about.

Turn 10 managed the Forza series far better than Polyphony managed Gran Turismo.  Forza 2 released in 2007 and every two years they released another Forza game with noticeably better graphics quality, noticeably better sound quality, and more content.  The Forza series didn't sell as much, but the Forza series also doesn't carry the Gran Turismo name brand.  It doesn't matter if Gran Turismo 5 was only as good as Forza 2, it would have sold around the same amount because of name recognition alone and this is the reason why Polyphony was far less profitable for Sony than any of the other developers under them.  Polyphony could have put a release deadline to get a Gran Turismo 5 out in 2007, not Gran Turismo 5 Prologue which released in 2008, but a full Gran Turismo 5.  The game didn't have to look as good as the Gran Turismo 5 we received, they didn't have to include 1080p, and it didn't have to have the content like B Spec or as many cars that they had.  Two years later they could have immediately started working on increasing the games quality and later release an updated version with more content, B Spec, etc.  Then two years later release Gran Turismo 6 with the graphical quality we have for Gran Turismo 5 now.

Gran Turismo 5 coming out in 2010, was poor for more than a few reasons.  First off, if they were to have released the game closer to when the system launched, it would have sold more consoles.  I'm sure many fans that wanted a Gran Turismo got a 360 because of Forza 2 and 3, and may have stayed exclusive to Microsoft since.  Gran Turismo 5 is better, but the series aren't that different.  There's no reason to jump from the 360 to PS3 if all you're looking for is a great racing simulator.  The second reason is that because of the ridiculously long development time, Gran Turismo 5 was hyped all to hell, with the 1000+ cars, etc, then once the game released and what we actually got, it was a huge disappointment on so many levels.  The game didn't run in full 1080p, screen tearing and framerate issues increased far more in 1080p, most of those 1000+ cars are upscaled versions of cars in Gran Turismo 4, etc.  Gran Turismo 5 being overhyped also probably hurt its sales, because this was reflected on news stories and reviews all over.      

Gran Turismo 3 released in 2001 sold 15 million copies, while Gran Turismo 4 sold another 11 million.  Gran Turismo 5 Prologue was a beta and nearly five million people purchased it, that's how powerful the name brand is.  Finally, Gran Turismo 5 sold 10 million, and you know a few million of those sold through bundle PS3 consoles.  It's pretty clear that the long development time for Gran Turismo 5 hurt the brand while also hurting the Playstation brand, pushing customers over to the 360 to purchase Forza 2 then 3 while Gran Turismo 5 still hasn't came out.