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Kresnik said:
Roma said:
I'm so sick of this "Should Iwata step down?" no he should not as if it wasn't for him they would not have had the successful Wii and DS or are they forgotten already?

I see people say this over and over again, but it normally gets countered with the point of "Ken Kutaragi" (I'd expand on it, but I'm sure you're aware of the story behind that).

Past successes does not equal future stability.  Nor does past success mean that someone is the right person for the job after repeated mistakes.  He pulled a blinder with the Wii & DS, but they are in the past now.

I don't have any feelings one way or another about Iwata's resignation, I just thought that was worth pointing out anyway since no-one had brought it up yet.

comparing him to a guy that lost billions is unfair. it's like they are in two different galaxies

he made a mistake with 3DS but corrected it and it is selling immensely well or is that blinder as well? sure they lost some cash but if Ken was in his place he would have lost billions in that period (slight exaggeration but you know what I mean)

people are so quick in wanting him out. I think its because they think that a different president would put Nintendo games on mobiles which is not going to happen if they want to keep selling hardware

    R.I.P Mr Iwata :'(