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Strange, I platinumed it recently and had no problems with glitches etc on ps3. Only issue was the final chase sequence in the storyline, to get it to 100%. But, truthfully, it wasn't even glitched or difficult, there was just a specific, non-direct way of doing it. 

Sure, the game is a lot different from the Ezio trilogy, but its a mainstream, yearly released title, dedicated to drawing in as many people as possible to keep it going, rather creating unique quality off of single missions, unfortunately. 

All of this, of course, is just my opinion.

Skyrim 100%'d. Dark Souls 100%'d. 
Dark Souls > Skyrim.
Halo 4 is the best damn FPS since Halo 3.
Proud pre-orderer of 2 PS4's and an Xbox One. 

Currently Playing: Dark Souls II, South Park
Playstation 4: MGS V GZ, Killzone: Shadow Fall, NBA 2k14.