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The problem I see with the constant Iwata debate is that he hasn't failed yet, Wii U sales are often compared to the Wii's by people which the latter was an exception in launch sales, the U right now is selling what the PS3 and 360 were selling during the same period. All of Iwata's platforms (DS, Wii, 3DS) so far have gone on to do well after their launch year, no one brings up the 3DS anymore and only one of his platforms came out flying from the start (Wii). Iwata is the only gaming higher up to really overcome a brand as strong as the Playstation brand and did it so from a severely weakened market position that alone means he deserves some space to see if he's on the right track, we'll get a better idea of whether Iwata has the right vision for the U by the end of next year when competition is around.

I personally like how he's turned the company around and his open approach.