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Suke said:

Quick question, I know games are coming soon for the system, but does anyone feel like they were ripped off as an early adoptor and Iwata is doing a poor job as CEO, and be honest, no flame wars or fanboying.

Do you feel Iwata was the right pick to be CEO back in 2002?

PS: I plan to pre order the PS4.

*sigh* Here we go again with this kind of shit, right?

"Be honest, no flame wars or fanboying", followed by "I plan to pre-order the PS4". Not obvious where you want this thread to go at all, eh?



Even though it doesn't really merit one, the answer to this thread is: NO, Iwata does not need to step down, and people honestly really need to quit bring that up. In no line of business or entertainment, do you follow up two MASSIVE successes, with a couple of stumbles, and are just out to dry. The 3DS has recovered just fine, and is honestly kicking ass lately. The Wii U has stumbled so hard because it had so many months with hardly any software, and NO major Nintendo titles to push the hardware. That situation IS stupid, but they've admitted as much, and I believe they're earnestly working to try and fix it. The 3DS in retrospect was more of a hiccup than a stumble, considering it's own drought only lasted really a couple of months. Wii U on the other hand went the span from Jan-May without getting hardly any noteworthy titles, outside of a port of MH3 and Lego City (which is, admittedly, a great game).

But none of that in any way tells me "YEAH, LET's FIRE REGGIE AND IWATA".


Was Satoru Iwata the right guy in 2002? You bet your ass he was. He's a former programmer from HAL. He helped create The Adventures of Lolo, Mother, Kirby, and Smash Bros. To my knowledge he's the ONLY head of a major game company that actually has a background in MAKING games, instead of just being a salesman or PR rep. Meaning he actually does understand video games, he also understands gamers. I would absolutely give him the benefit of the doubt over the heads of Sony, or MS, or Capcom, or Namco, or Square, Konami, Activision, EA, etc. etc. etc.

He isn't going anywhere, nor does he need to. If you "feel ripped off", that's too bad. The game drought did suck, for sure. But if you feel that bad about it, by all means go enjoy your PS4. That doesn't imply for a minute that Wii U isn't going to recover and have a wealth of great games in time, nor that Iwata needs to be punished for what basically amounts to poor forsight on Nintendo's part, as far as them taking longer to finish up games than they obviously thought it would. But he and Miyamoto both have said that they are finishing a bigger main headquarters, and that they will be hiring more developers. So it shouldn't be a problem again going forward.