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I HATE the idea of purely digital. The hype around all digital is strictly that. Hype. Almost NO ONE wants it as the only means of purchase. As long as we, the consumer, don't want it, it will never fully be adapted. To me, the biggest reason is (for me especially) I love having my game collection, love the idea of a disc that I can collect, keep, trade, sell, give away, hell I can throw it away if I want. I have about 4 full digital games on my console, and I have noticed I rarely play those games, even given their convenience of being pre-installed and ready to go. I applaud what you're trying to get at here.... but it is greatly flawed. Because YOU feel this way, doesn't make it so. Much like my opinion being the way it is doesn't make my way the right way either. I hope we never go full digital, and honestly, I doubt we ever will. Not anytime soon anyways. The consumer dictates, and right now, they don't want it. We like it as an option, but I don't see it ever being anything more than an option for those who want it. Physical is here to stay, for now and the foreseeable future.