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Dodece said:
The handicap stall is the best stall by far. Ample room to spread those legs, hide those feet, and its always in the far corner which allows you more privacy. Which I occasionally use to kick off my shoes and give myself a food massage. Its also the most difficult stall to assault in a zombie attack. Yes I have considered the possibility.

I am unfortunately probably the reason for this thread. I am the madcap practical joker at work. I will pull, twist, and tear your chain. One of my favorite pranks is to run in the restroom and bang away at the stall to throw off the victims off rhythm or worse throw them off of their throne. The best part is you almost never get caught. I also like to make disturbing noises, thrown money underneath the stalls, or even send unrequested toilet paper under the stall cracks. I also love to leave little mysteries in the stalls. Ambiguous notes on the toilet paper.

No I don't do it every day, but occasionally I get the hankering to really screw with my coworkers. Always makes the day go faster if you have taken a little time to screw with just one other person. A personal joke that lasts for hours. You want to know how you get the bathroom to yourself. Moan like your being tortured and tickled at the same time. Other people who really have to go can't its like taking a dump under enemy fire. One time I had a real dedicated guy in the stall next to me.

All I said was "God why god me? I don't wanna die? What did I do that was so bad? Please stop the blood please." I can tell the guy was over four hundred pounds but he moved like a marathon runner. I think of the restroom as a place of fun.
hahaha that just made my sides hurt after reading this gunny thread.

personally I do the courtesy flush whenever I use a public restroom.


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