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Hah, yeah, first off, Randy Moss would probably suck at FOOTBALL (soccer..) since he's hasnt trained the right muscle-groups to be successful. And to the atlethic part of the question, sure, Randy Moss and LeBron James have amazingly atlethic bodies but so does, for example, Micah Richards in Manchester City and Didier Drogba in Chelsea aswell. To the bullshit about USA having the best athlets, sure, maybe, but that depends on how you determine athletcisimsmims(spelling is the shit), if you talk about endurance alot of African countries, aswell as Scandinavian countries beat USA by a large margin. USA sucks ass in flat-skiing, whatever, dont know what its called in English, aswell as long distance running, which are the biggest endurance-sports in the world, but sure, you can jump high and run fast, but that doesnt prove that you have the most atlethic people in the world just that Basket/American Football and sprint distance running is big in the US, nothing more, nothing less.

PSN: TrbSvns.