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Cold-Flipper said:

Einsam_Delphin said:

You say Nintendo will avoid potential profit loss at all cost, yet they had been selling the 3DS for a loss after it's price cut, and you even say the Wii U was/is being sold at a loss. I believe they do this because software makes them more money than hardware, so they needs a big install base so their games sell more and to attract third partys. Correct me if I'm wrong though. Also, what else is Iwata suposed to say lol?

How exactly is their focus primarily on 3DS? I don't remember them saying anything like this. Now that I think about it, if the Nintendo Directs and E3 are any indication, their focus is actually more on Wii U, which makes perfect sense considering the 3DS is in a good spot while the Wii U suffers.

They did take a small loss after the 3DS price cut but are definitely making a profit on each system now. It has been nearly 2 years since then and they were already only take a small loss. Wii U was being sold at a small loss at launch and is now likely a little profitable or will be soon. They for sure make he majority of their money on games but they still won't want to continue taking a loss on the Wii U itself. That's why a $50 cut might be optional because it won't be a big risk unlike a $100 cut would be.

2013 was always supposed to be 3DS focused. They are only talking much more about Wii U because it is currently a sinking ship. They are focusing on Wii U press-wise but game-wise? You think they don't know Pokemon will take sales away from Wii U? That a new Zelda game will get people's attention more than a HD remake? I will admit that Wii U is their focus now but it wasn't supposed to be like's clear from their release schedule.

Aha, so you see, it's all about them long-term software sales, as why else would they ever sell their systems at a loss if even for a short period of time. I don't see the risk in a $100 drop coinciding with key releases, as the same tactic worked out for the 3DS. Besides, they're gonna drop the price to that point and beyond sooner or later anyhow.

I forgot why we're debating over which console Nintendo is focusing on, but ahwells lol. All these games we're seeing now weren't made this year, but have been in development for years. They likely decided to shift game development in the 3DS's favor after it's slow start, but that's just speculation on my part. I do expect the Wii U to be getting development focus right now though, and so we could expect a 3DS-like game rush in 2015.