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Although I agree with pretty much every other respect, I have to disagree with the gameplay a little bit. I think if anything they've decided to deviate from the traditional gun and shoot and make the player put an emphasis on the more uncommonly used mehanics such as Vigours and Elizabeth, I don't think I've seen either of these things implemented so well into a game for a long time. The salt costs etc make you consider how to employ the vigours effectively, and the fact that the ammo, gun and health cache's are just a one off(not restocking after use) makes it all the harder(well it was on hard, not sure about the other modes).

The story was simply mindblowing, don't think I've been engrossed in a story like this for a long while. I think it can stretch a 9 easily, well in my opinion anyway.

Disconnect and self destruct, one bullet a time.