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uncharted is decent at best

a link to the past is one of the weaker zelda games

final fantasy has going down since 10

sony usually has the worst controller (though the PS4 controller is looking very good)

tales of > final fantasy

fable 2 > fable 1

mario 64 > mario galaxy

cinematic games do not represent what video games are for

PS2 puts all current and next gen consoles to shame

the way sony fans are hyping up the vita cause what it can do with the PS4 makes it sound like a 250$ accessory

xenoblade chroncles is the only JRPG i will call a masterpiece this gen

titan fall looks like call of duty with mechs

there is no cod killer cod will only kill it self or the entire FPS genre will go the way of the music base genre

cod 4 is good but not one of the best FPS of all time or this gen

blacks ops 1 is the best cod

game library wise the 3DS is looking the closest thing to the second coming of the PS2

i hate the sports genre with a passion

this was the worst console gen and next gen has the could easily be as bad

the Wii'S library is very underrated

pokemon is my favorite nintendo franchise (unless if X is a sequel to xenoblade then pokemon moves to second place)

monolith soft > retro studios (for nintendo's best first party developer)

sucker punch > naughty dog (for best sony first party develop)