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Here's want Nintendo really need to do to get the install base growing:-

1) Phase out the 8GB model.
2) Make the Delux model the standard and make it $249 with a $299 SKU which bundles in a new game like Mario 3D or something.
3) Increase the internal storage to 64-128GB and start pushing the Eshop more.
4) Have the 64GB Delux model available in white or black or what ever other colour they think people will like just like they do with the 3DS.
5) Spend dat Wii cash to guarantee to WiiU owners that they will get parity releaseses of big AAA games like GTA5.
6) Fucking decide if they want to have offscreen gaming on the tablet as the sole feature or if they want the asymmetric unique gameplay, and then push and market the fuck out of it, the sure fire bet is the offscreen play, it's not developer dependent.

All these need to happen by Gamescom or TGS if Nintendo hope on selling well this Christmas season considering that two new more capable and hype driven consoles are about to hit the market. Nintendo fucked its 1 year lead, but they can still do some damage control and make a come back this holiday.