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Ail said:

shio said:
DMeisterJ said:
So uncharted has sold 1.25 million copies * sixty bucks a copy, equals 75 million in revenue? I mean, I know some of that goes to the store and Sony, but it basically made profit, right?

So with all of those "ZOMG Killzone 2 costs 50 million" threads will be quenced, so long as it sells ~2 million copies? cool.

There's no way Uncharted made profit, even if it reached 2 million. You don't even know how much distribution, retailers, etc.. take away from the game's profits.

Usually a developer makes only $10 from each copy, and if you add more $10 from game's royalties to Sony, they only make that much, $20 per copy. And adding whatever additional costs they had such as advertisement, makes it either no profit or almost no profit. Either way, it counts as a failure.

Your maths are wrong.


Game sells for 60$, retailer keeps at most 25$ out of that( I have seen Best Buy drop the price of a game by 20$ for a week so they make at least that much per game).

Sony gets 10$.

Packaging/game manual probably like 2$.

23$ left for naughty Dog and their distributor ( the fact it's sony is separate from the Sony 10$ which is standard cut for Sony on any PS3 game).

My guess is naughty dog gets 18$ and the distributor 5$ at most.( the distributor doesn't take that many risks imo).

1.25 Million copies at 18$ they made a small profit.

In that case the distributor probably didn't make any profit and spent all their cash on advertising but it's sony so they get their 10$ too and it's their interest to have more ps3 games out..




Just a quick thought here, lets say you are right and the retailer gets $25 per game (at $60 cost to the customer) that leaves $35 to be split between Sony (game is on their system), Sony (they published it), and ND (who made it and is owned by Sony).  So since everything was done by Sony, they are able to make a game that costs more to make, costs more to advertise (more comercials) and yet are still able to make a profit off of it.  $35 per copy * 1.25 million copies = $43.75 million going to Sony because of the game, and counting.  It will get a bump in sales when Sony finally starts putting out a line of Greatest Hits, though not as much money per game sold they will sell more copies and ND is able to build off of Uncharted 1 for Uncharted 2 so cheaper development costs and bigger install base to buy the new game.