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To be honest, I noticed a lot of gamers change their words with respect to titles that lose their exclusivity. For instance, MGS is by FAR my favorite video game series, and that has nothing to do with Playstation exclusivity for a number of years (it was on other systems before, after all). I love it because I find it is a deep series. I've heard some guys who once praised the series regard Hideo Kojima and MGS with disgust recently. Now it's an 'overrated' series lol I don't think that should matter, to be honest. A good game is a good game irrespective of exclusivity or a multiplatform state.

Similarly, I know guys who claimed to not have any interest from titles from Insomniac and Bungie (Xbox and PS crowds respectively), but now that they're multiplatform their tone is different. xD


Playstation = The Beast from the East

Sony + Nintendo = WIN! PS3 + PSV + PS4 + Wii U + 3DS