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PhoenixKing said:

Taking my statements out of context, implying I'm suicidal, and ignoring the part where he says Family, which is clearly a commitment isn't going to make me value your opinion. You act like I'm being a hypocrite but it seems you didn't read his post at all. 

Again, you are 100% wrong. 

1. I never implied you were suicidal.

2. Just because he says "family", doesn't mean he does it out of commitment. He could do it because he loves his family, which he clarified later.

3. I didn't take anything you said out of context. For your convenience, I will post your earlier post here and respond to every piece of what you said:

PhoenixKing said:

What? For not listening and saying the same crap you hear from anyone? You realize that I thoroughly went through why this is wrong, right? Oh wait, you didn't because you don't read or even want to listen to the opposing argument. You want to hear what you want to hear. That's nice. 

Fair enough. You have a problem with people who didn't listen and just hear what they want to hear.

People who work for family do so due to their own feelings of commitment. False. He never said he worked for his family due to his own commitment. He later clarified that he is doing it because he has a geniune want to see them happy. You are not listening. They'll throw their own expectations on their children and act as if they're superior because they've worked for the child and therefore the child owes them something. False. He never said he would throw his expectations on his family. You are not listening. So really, there is no altruistic love. Flawed conclusion. You're working to pidgeonhole an innocent child into commitments they never asked for because they were born from your own stupid commitments. False. He never said he would pidgenhole any child into any commitments. You are not listening.

So don't act like you're special, or more moral, or doing the right thing, or somehow superior because you have 'work ethic'. False. He didn't say he was special or more moral. He was answering your fucking question. You wanted to know why people bother, and he answered because it's a fair exchange for the better things in life. You're just self-deluded and throwing your own bitter feelings and stress on someone who never asked for it and had no choice. False. You are not listening. You have no reason to believe he is throwing any of his feelings and stress on anyone else. You are not listening.

Oh boohoo, third world countries. As if that has anything to do with the argument and my comparisons with Super-capitalism, better known as Fascism and how it literally drove people to kill others because they were afraid that Jews were stealing their jobs. But hey, go on and act like you're some good guy who must never have any negative feelings and will be blessed with magic land when you die.  False. He never implied that he will be blessed with magic land when he died. You are not listening

My responses are in bold.

4. As I have proven above, you do not listen. Therefore, you are a hypocrite.