im just saying there is a difference between a casual game and a bad game.
i think some people give casual games a free pass cause they're not meant for us. But no matter how simple or complex a game is, it's the developers job to make the most of what they're working with.
So, casual or not, games should by and large: limit frame rate drops, have graphics that feel modern in some respect (IE: at least GC caliber), assign proper IR controls that work, be bug free, have some effort put into their sound effects and music, have camera systems that work (if the game uses one), have a reasonable amount of content. And, above all, the game should come at a reasonable price.
I don't care if it's lair, devil may cry 2, or carnival games, if your game doesn't have polish, if it doesn't feel like it's worth the asking price, then it should be scored accordingly.