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PhoenixKing said:
JOKA_ said:

sales2099 said:

"Post consisting of real sacrifice and hard work to make your way in this world which you should totally take to heart"

Wow bravo.  Great post.  I secretly disagree with you on many game related subjects, but god I love this post.  Keep it up man.

What? For not listening and saying the same crap you hear from anyone? You realize that I thoroughly went through why this is wrong, right? Oh wait, you didn't because you don't read or even want to listen to the opposing argument. You want to hear what you want to hear. That's nice. 

People who work for family do so due to their own feelings of commitment. They'll throw their own expectations on their children and act as if they're superior because they've worked for the child and therefore the child owes them something. So really, there is no altruistic love. You're working to pidgeonhole an innocent child into commitments they never asked for because they were born from your own stupid commitments.

So don't act like you're special, or more moral, or doing the right thing, or somehow superior because you have 'work ethic'. You're just self-deluded and throwing your own bitter feelings and stress on someone who never asked for it and had no choice.

Oh boohoo, third world countries. As if that has anything to do with the argument and my comparisons with Super-capitalism, better known as Fascism and how it literally drove people to kill others because they were afraid that Jews were stealing their jobs. But hey, go on and act like you're some good guy who must never have any negative feelings and will be blessed with magic land when you die.  

I thought I thoroughly went through why your method of complaining about things beyond your control and having a glass-half-empty mindset is only going to negatively impact the rest of your life. Also that the point is to work for the good things in life, no matter how much or little time you make for it.Seeing your response to Jay, you clearly want to have a "pity party"....only hearing others who agree with you and are unwilling to hear people tell you to do better.

I said I work to provide for my future family. No sense of commitment. Only the notion to give them a comfortable life that I feel they deserve. I wouldn't push my work ethic on my future kids and would never use my jobs as a arguing point against my kids. What a ludicrous thought and how dare you assume I would share that mindset.

I am not more special or moral. But I will say I do what I can in this world to give myself and my loved ones a good life. Complaining gets you nowhere. I keep any stress to myself and never take it out on others because they don't deserve it and it is my choice and therefore all on me. I also never mentioned religion. You just assumed I will be a dick to my kids and work hard because I will go to heaven when I die. Sorry, but it is really quite simple: I work alot to provide for the ones I love. Nothing more. "Boohoo 3rd world countries". about taking things for granted.

I noticed you mentioend origionally you worked as a paralegal and now work as a door to door salesman. Thats quite a career shift. Now I can't know what caused this......problem with authority? But clearly you had something and lost it. Makes me wonder if your outlook/attitude had something to do with it. If pays to be nice to your superiors. Otherwise, you tend to look for other jobs......

"You realize that I thoroughly went through why this is wrong, right?" Oh because to me you don't sound happier, more successful, and with a better outlook on life? Please re-evaluate your definition of "wrong". Don't mean to sound superior, but that comment you said in the face of me genuinely trying to talk to you did prompt me to say this.

In the end, my story did have a moral: work towards a greater goal and change your damn outlook.

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