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Bayonetta ip will crash and burn after 2.

Halo – Good series, but 343 is over rated and is only recognised now because they work on Halo games. Bungie paved the road of Halo and 343 only drives down it.

Killzone will never compete will Halo in sales, make something new GG, it’s over.

Xenoblade is over rated.

Sony fans are jealous Lost Odyssey is a 360 exclusive.

Uncharted 2 > The Last of Us

Reggie drools.

Racing sims are boring.

The PS3 OS is the slowest thing I have ever seen in my life, seriously the trophy sync time is pathetic.

PS4 will win the next gen.

When I find out a guy is over 30 and only plays Mario Kart or only Mario games in general, I tend not talk to him anymore on here.