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Zero999 said:
RolStoppable said:

1) No doubt that the Wii U will see a rebound in sales once the games come out and the hardware gets a price cut. But the point here is that the Wii U has hit lows that the 3DS was never even close to. The Wii U is in bigger trouble than the 3DS ever was.

2) The Wii U does compete directly with the PS4 and X1. And you know what proves this? Nintendo's decision to sell the system at a loss. If Nintendo had created value that differs from the PS4 and X1, then there would be no need to sell at a loss right from the outset. But not even Nintendo really believes in the Gamepad, a fact that is further emphasized by the lack of significant Gamepad features in their upcoming first party games. The Gamepad was a compromise to have a dual analog controller as a standard (to make ports for third parties easier), but still a hook to draw in the Wii audience. The problem is that the Wii audience doesn't bite.

3) and 4) These two points were made to make a distinction between moneyhatting (any form of it) and third party support that materializes without any special incentives from Nintendo's side. I did this, because you had merged them and presented them as the same thing (you lumped Capcom and Atlus games together). RE: Mercenaries was released in June 2011 and RE: Revelations in January 2012. Both games were in the works long before the 3DS launched (shown off at E3 2010) and RE:M was always supposed to release first. And yeah, I already conceded that building an installed base leads to better third party support when it comes to Nintendo handhelds.

5) 70% market share, man. 70%! This is the kind of dominance where we don't talk about multiplatform games, but exclusives. Almost nothing came out of it. If 70% don't cut it to change third parties' minds, then what will?

6) Yes, this is a very different situation. The Wii was the successor of the GC, so one could reasonably argue that the Wii didn't get good third party support initially due to the GC's failure. You could say nobody had any confidence that Nintendo would be able to build an installed base. But the Wii U is the successor to the Wii, a console that sold almost 100m units. Yet there still wasn't any willingness from the side of third parties to give Nintendo at least the benefit of the doubt this time around and get on board with ports of 360/PS3 multiplatform games right from the start. You have seen the list I posted earlier. If third parties weren't willing to invest $2m into individual ports, what makes you think that they will develop exclusive games that cost multiple times more than that?

I guess you believe in fairness, but that's not how this business works. This is an industry that had the opportunity to grow tremendously, but they gave up this chance, because developing quality games for these new people (as well as those who didn't like the direction of Sony and Microsoft) was beneath them. People who liked the Wii were declared to be unworthy gamers by company PR. The industry tried its best to pretend that Nintendo doesn't exist in the home console space. And you expect the very same industry to make a U-turn and respect Nintendo all of a sudden? Not going to happen.

1) 3ds released in february/march and it's drought period lasted about 5 months only. wii u released in november and it's drought period are the 7 months from january to august. also,wii u is more expensive than 3ds was.

6) what makes you think ps4 or xone will have any exclusive third party game for free? exclusives are always paid for. the third party multiplat support will come to wii u, it's a matter of waiting and seeing.

just out of curiostiy, and dont lie. Were you saying the same thing for the Wii?