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PhoenixKing said:
JOKA_ said:
sales2099 said:

Wow bravo.  Great post.  I secretly disagree with you on many game related subjects, but god I love this post.  Keep it up man.



The irony and hypocrisy of this post is baffling. First you say this:

PhoenixKing said:

What? For not listening and saying the same crap you hear from anyone? You realize that I thoroughly went through why this is wrong, right? Oh wait, you didn't because you don't read or even want to listen to the opposing argument. You want to hear what you want to hear. That's nice. 

Then you go and say this:

PhoenixKing said:

People who work for family do so due to their own feelings of commitment. They'll throw their own expectations on their children and act as if they're superior because they've worked for the child and therefore the child owes them something. So really, there is no altruistic love. You're working to pidgeonhole an innocent child into commitments they never asked for because they were born from your own stupid commitments. 

So don't act like you're special, or more moral, or doing the right thing, or somehow superior because you have 'work ethic'. You're just self-deluded and throwing your own bitter feelings and stress on someone who never asked for it and had no choice.


and will be blessed with magic land when you die.  

First, you scorn someone for "not listening" and for saying only what the person wants to hear. Then, in the same post, you exercise that very behavior.

Where are you getting any evidence that the poster above you works for family "due to his own feelings of self commitment"? Or that he will "pidgenhole an innocent child into commitments." Nowhere does he even imply that he will throw his stress on anyone else. Nor does the post reveal that he acts like some good guy who "will be blessed with magic land" when he dies, since he never even mentioned religion. Clearly you are just making shit up here.

OR you're speaking for all people "work for family." If that's the case then you're problem is even worse. It's a blatant generalization and a false one, too. I have no idea where you got these assumptions from. Since you have nothing to back up these generalizations and/or assertions about the person you quoted, I can only guess you are saying this because "you want to hear what you want to hear", which is literally the exact behavior you condemned earlier. 

Please, if you are going to criticize people, at least make some sort of sense when you do it.