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oniyide said:

 let me explain myself better. I was talking more once the games start rolling in. right know there isnt going to be anything for the next month. Pikmin 3 comes out in 1 month. Then Rayman the next month and so on. Maybe Zelda HD after and Mario and so on. THese are supposed to be the games that will save Wii U. So from the time Pikmin 3 comes out till Jan. I was wondering what people will expect weekly. I dont think Pikmin3 will do too much for it. It might go up to 30-35k that week. Hell it might even stay there till the Nov Dec months where it might see double that. Thats just what i think. I didnt put multiplats because they wont do much for Ninty and they are still missing some, GTA being the biggest one. Maybe my numbers might be wrong.

edit: my numbers are kinda low, but i dont think it will do 300k any week, thats 3ds numbers. I dont think it will happen. best week 200k. THe games coming this holiday for Wii U are not THAT big. 

oniyide said:

I dont know what world youve been living in, but besides Mario 64, 3d marios dont push consoles that much. ill say it does 90k the week it releases, this is of course if they DONT do a price cut. 

My prediction based on the info I have:

July: 115K (4 weeks) (Average: 29K)

Auguest: 175K (5 weeks) (Average: 35K)

September: 130K (4 weeks) (Average: 33K)

October: 435K (4 weeks) (Average: 109K)

November: 615K (4 weeks) (Average: 153K)

December: 900K (4 weeks) (Average: 225K)


I expect sales to be around 5.5 Million by the end of the year.

Also, 300K for 3DS peak week? Really?