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Barozi said:
OneHappyGamer:) said:


another problem with Goku that I found was only evident in DBZ and GT was that Goku was in a sense the main antagonist. So Trunks comes back in time to warn Goku about the androids that are stronger then Super Saiyans and kills everyone, and what does Goku do? does he try and find the androids before the activated? he could have gathered the Dragonballs to find who created them and stop him. but what did he do!? he just casually trained with Gohan and Piccolo, not even teaching Gohan to use the power of a super saiyan, and not even pushing for the next level of super saiyan. would have saved A LOT of lives if he did atleast some of my suggestions! but NOOOOOO, he wants to fight some androids deeeerp :p and another time while Majin Vegeta challanges Goku, but Suprmeme Kai CLEARLY warns him that fighting him will provide energy to release Majin Buu. ok, why didn't Goku just go full power and transform to Super Saiyan 3 and take out Vegeta as soon as possible giving as little energy as he could to Majin Buu. BUT WHAT DOES HE DO!!?? he stays in his base form while Super Saiyan Majin Vegeta fires an energy blast at Goku, and Goku struggles to stop it from killing a lot of people in the stadium that they're in, because he's in his FRACKING BASE FORM! HE COULD HAVE SAVED LIVES IF HE JUST TRANSFORMED TO SUPER SAIYAN AND HAVE THE NECESARY POWER TO DEFLECT IT AWAY!!!... and these arent the only ones where Goku is stupid/evil. out of any show, Goku is probably the WORST main protaginst out of all the TV shows I have watched. he is probably responsible for more deaths in DBZ, then any other character.

and you know what? IT GETS WORSE WITH FRACKING GT!!!

...ok rant over :/

well they've been revived later, so at one point their lives are saved.
Obviously dying still hurts....

exactly. his fun has higher priority then peoples lives... or suffering...