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Veracity said:
J_Allard said:
killerzX said:
J_Allard said:
I think the state went way overboard with the charges and because of that, Zimmerman might walk.

Such a shame that a dude can arm himself, stalk a kid, provoke a fight and kill him when he loses said fight, and because of shitty, shoddy police work, will likely get away with it. At least criminally. His life is already ruined either way and I would expect the TM family to win a civil suit down the line.

i swear if this has got to be like the 10 person in this thread alone to just ignore the facts of this case. thats not what happened at all.

lets see, zimmerman is legally allowed to possess a weapon, he was suspicous of an unkown, shady looking person, in a place where there has been a rash of crime, then after loosing track of martin, martin then confronted zimmerman and proceeded to smash zimmermans head into the pavement, to which zimmerman responded by shooting his assailant. 

all the evidence is pointing to zimmerman not committing any crime

Can you please point to the part of my post where I said or even implied that it is against the law for Zimmerman to carry a weapon?

Zimmerman was the instigator and aggressor in the situation. You know how he could have saved himself a lot of trouble and money, not to mention a kid his life? Just roll up on TM and ask him what he is doing. You know, like normal people do. Instead of slowly creeping on him and essentially stalking him. And how about when he was told by 911 dispatch not to follow Martin, why not comply?

You have a situation where a guy who has failed out of police academy multiple times, being jaded by recent robberies in his area and "fucking punks" always getting away with it, getting fed up when told by dispatch to wait for the real police to show up and decided to take matters in his own hands. You have your panties in a wad over whether or not it's a crime for Zimmerman to carry a gun, here is what Trayvon is guilt of that night:

Being out at night
Confronting someone stalking him

And please, LOL @ his head being "smashed into the pavement". And yet only minutes later when medics arrived, his devastating, life-threatening wounds were not even bleeding, and all he had was a slightly bloody nose and a couple of small lacerations on his head (which could have come from a rock in the grass or many other things). No blood on the sidewalk, no serious wounds for Zimmerman. Also, Zimmerman trained multiple times a week, MMA style. You'd think he could get a kid off of him but meh, I guess the easier course of action when getting your ass kicked in a fight you started is to just shoot the kid.

Like I said, a shame. An even bigger shame that people are defending the piece of shit. Oh well.

Hahahahahahahahaha lol turn off propaganda news for retards and watch the trial. Thre is no evidence at all of Zimmerman instigating a fight. He followed and reported until he lost trayvon in the dark. There are no wounds on trayvon except the bullet hole. So your stupid ass assumption is flawed completely.

must be some delicious koolaid!

Seems like people are introducing their prejudices into the case:


For Defense of Zimmerman:

Martin: thug deserved to die, because there is no way he could have been defending himself or feared for his life. 

Zimmerman: Upstanding citizen did no wrong, feared for his life...with superficial wounds.


Martin: MINOR, walking home with candy and tea.  Noticing someone following him tries to hide  and is confronted by adult he does not know (after this point we do not know who gets assaulted first) minor dead after an assault occurs.

Martin: Forensics evidence shows that injuries are bullet to chest and some lacerations to left hand.

Zimmerman:  Superficial wounds to the face and head. Shot and killed a  minor after an assault occured.

Scenario 1

We do not know how the assault occurs unless you believe george zimmerman, if thats the case then he is guilty of manslaughter, because the superficial wounds do not merit him using lethal force.

Scenario 2

Lets say zimmerman is lying: he approaches a minor who is hiding in a bush, as soon as, the adult (zimmerman) makes any physical contact(attempts a punch and misses, does a takedown and ends up in guard[on the bottom]) or verbally threatens the minor, the minor would be able to defend himself, all bets are off zimmerman guilty.  

I am leaning towards Scenario 2, I think Zimmerman is lying.