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I still think reviewers are having a hard time figuring out how to properly review a Wii game it's no wonder people buy games that rank so low when the person reviewing it doesn't share the same taste as most of the Wii casual market.

Let's face it what constitutes a game to a Wii casual. Most of them are perfectly content playing BeJewled and Scrabble on their computer. It's no wonder they like mini-games because that is what a game is supposed to be for them. If they want action and story they watch a movie. They don't have time for 60 hour epics.

When reviewers realize that they have a whole new audience to cater to, one that doesn't like the next FPS or RPG frag bonanza they will begin to review Wii games in a different light and the scores will be much higher than they are now.

All I'm saying is that the market needs to adjust of face missing out on the financial potential that the Wii's new userbase is breinging to bear. The Wii isn't critic proof it's critic deficient.