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steverhcp02 said:
kber81 said:
steverhcp02 said:

and obviously YOU are the one to define "normal" right?

If you aint hurtin anyone go do your thing, gay, straight, black, white, male, female bisexual, whatever, as long as youre not harming anyone i support everyone.....even those crazy wii60 folks!!!!

Actually your point of view is very similar to mine... To know what's harming, you have to define your own definition of normality and it's not difficult. No offense here. I believe most things not-normal for me is also not-normal for you.

no its not similar to you at all. You dont like gay people because they have parades, because its not "normal" because they may not look act or talk exactly how you feel they should, this is not harmful to mankind or to you or me. those parades harm you or any other person? No. Harm may be subjective, but if you REALLY want to debate it id have to say youre gonna lose on all accunts about gays "harming" others simply because they are gay. Now, if a homosexual does something through violence to convey their homosexuality i dont support that.

Youre confusing peoples actions with peoples morals. Being gay, black, white, any different type of person does not harm anyone, its what those individual people do that they should be judged on, not the demographic or minority they fall in....just because someone is gay is not grounds for judging or hatred, that was my point about harming others.

If im driving to work and a gay parade goes by and makes me late ill be pissed, if i see a gay pride parade on tv does it upset me? No, not at all, but it apparently upsets you.

And you dont know me, so dont tell me that whats normal for you is normal for me.



Well if you think gay is wrong it would be