Wright said: The answer is simple: you like gaming, and you enjoy a game even if the rest don't. Resident Evil 6 is an atrocious terrorist attack over the Resident Evil franchise, but as a game itself? It's not bad. Not groundbreaking, but certainly not bad. And co-op always helps. |
I played this free through game sharing with a friend. So free and co op. I'm a gamer, but this game is just so bad. They turned the game into a shooter fest and the zombies are bullet sponges. The story is also terrible. "President, don't make me do this," despite he's already a zombie, and hasn't Leon been in enough games to know by now talking to a zombie won't do anything? Or at the end of the first chapter one guys gun jams so he steals his girlfriend's gun when they're IN A GUN STORE.
I will say that Resident Evil 6 is far better than Mass Effect though. I've put in 10 hours into Mass Effect and I was really trying to get through the game and then decided I can't, I've just got to quit. I wanted to like this game because despite having just an okay story, the dialogue was actually pretty well done. The gameplay is absolute garbage and quests are constant running back and forth. This game only received the ratings it got because console exclusivity. If this was originally a multiconsole game, this game would have been trashed by gamers for the piece of shit that it is. Because it was originally an exclusive, it was hyped up so much that people just overrate it like sheep. Once it's come to the PS3, it's one of the "suppsoedly" great games PS3 owners haven't got to play so most of them are the same sheep that like it more than they actually do because their friends say it's good..