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Egann said:

I expect the XB1 couldn't even use GDDR5 even if you dropped it in. Reading the fine print, the PS4's processor is ever slightly faster, so the additional throughput would be irrelevant for a processor which wasn't designed to use it.

The unified memory pool will definitely make the PS4 attractive to devs, but it means this generation has some very odd choices. GDDR5 is not quite as good as GDDR3 for OS and CPU use, so if you really want to push the envelope of the CPU for an enemy AI or something, your best platform choice is the Wii U, which has both GDDR3 memory and CPU cores with significant caches.

If you just want to mash X to compile, the PS4 is the no-brainer choice. Sony really did a great job on streamlining development, which I'm sure is why they focus so much on Indy stuff: their console is no question the best for indy developers.

I imagine the XB1 will be the graphical powerhouse of the generation between the eSRAM and cloud computing. I just wonder with graphical diminishing returns if that means anything this gen.

You are making a lot of confusion here.

GDDR5 and GDDR3 are the same type of memory RAM... the same used in graphic cards... GDDR5 is a evolution of the GDDR3... so eveything done in GDDR5 is better than GDDR3.

So I think are talking about DDR3... the same memory used by Xbone... and the better use for OS and CPU are related at the latencies.

But I need to explain something important for your guys...

It's not the memory that defines latencies... GDDR5 and DDR3 are the same... what make they have different latencies is the memory controller implementated... and the memory controller of video cards is not optimized for low latencies.

Another surprise here.... the memory controller for DDR3 in AMD APUs have higher latencies than the memory controller of GDDR5 in nVIDIA cardas... yeah, the GDDR5 in GTT 680 have lower latency than the DDR3 used in A10-5800k.

So DDR3 or GDDR5 will not change the letencies in Xbone or PS4... what will change is the memory controller implemented in the APU and in this case the memory controller are so similar that I don't expect difference bigger than 2ns in latency for both consoles.

And a hint... AMD will give the options to use GDDR5 in the next gen APUs for the desktop market.