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I agree with u 100%. You don't have to be a Christian to see the value in these principles. Habits formed are very hard to break, especially when involving sex. If you plan to get married, you're becoming one with that one person. But, if you've spent years having sex with a bunch of different ppl (as well as looked at lots of porn), its going to be significantly more difficult to suddenly focus ur mind on a single woman.

I believe in these principles bc I see - and have personally seen - the value and benefit in them. In the times when I've pushed myself to stay away from all things sexual, I've honestly never felt better. It was liberating. Plus, porn/excessive sex tends to focus a person inward/on themself. I became less selfish and more concerned about other ppl when I stayed sex free. Plus, I gained more respect for women.

No judgement here for the record. I struggle with this stuff same as anyone. Its tough. But for me, there's no denying the difference it makes when I've gotten to the point when I was no longer dependent on it.