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As a purely practical consideration, don't you need to make sure you're compatible? Are you sure she is fertile?

Human love, the biological construct, is BOTH physical and psychological. Sex is a completely natural and complementary part of it.Saying that avoiding sex allows a better relationship doesn't match up with how we know things work. It is obviously your choice, but your way is not better.

You mention "pure mind" and "self control" - why does the Bible and/or you imply that sex is dirty? Literally what is wrong with it, in an otherwise healthy relationship? What is the negative outcome here?

Finally, and I don't wish to make the thread about this, you imply certainty about the existence of a God, which the VGC audience does not necessarily share. Do make some attempt to seperate your arguments that arise from practical/logical concerns and ones from religious morality, so that we do not conflate them.