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I think even if you are not religious it is something to consider. It's not for everybody, but people should be responsible in case they slip one past the goalie. And I don't mean abortion, I don't want to open a flame war, but like smoking, drinking, gamble, drugs, or playing games all day, whatever vice you have, there are always consequences beyond yourself and people should consider how their actions will impact others. Plus I worked with a girl who had STD's, let me tell you, she had it in her mouth with outbreaks, it was not pretty. I try to live straight edge and I am physically at the best shape at my life in my late 20's. I was so sick as a child that I nearly died and after getting over that hump I have come to realize that health is second to none, don't take for granted that nothing hurts or you are not limited in any way if you are healthly. Believe me I can appreciate that even 15 years later.

Don't buy into the hype you read about that if you don't have 10 partners before your 15 your a horrible person, or some stupid crap. Live the life you want, find the person who loves you is most important and whoever you spend your life with will be the best of all worlds and will eclipse all the smaller relationships in your life.