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Soleron said:
Kasz216 said:

Pretty much this. I'd be much happier with a $50 billion commitment to fusion research, and a stopgap plan to expand nuclear fission capacity.

Or really ANY renewables.  Renewable enrgy research or even any alternate energy research is awesome.   Trying to stop using fossil fuels though only hurts us, with no actual enviromental benefit.  

Instead of spending more for gas, we should use those savings on scientific research.


That's how China got so good at renewables. (well that and hacking American solar companies.)

Yes. I've seen some very cool ideas about geothermal in the US, for example. But I don't want to encourage wind (never going to work) or "biofuel" (not clean at all, serious downsides, misleading name, huge lobbying interest). A general $50b plan to invest in "clean energy" would be misappropriated to biofuel, wind and solar (which doesn't need the cash).

Hah, geothermal.   You know what's funny?  George W Bush's house if run by Geothermal energy.  Despite is anti-green polcies, he's actually quite possible the most personally green president we've had. That was always a funny thing about the Bush V Gore campaign... and Gore in general.  He's a HUGE pollutor.  Like one of the worst personal pollutors in the country.