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Michael-5 said:
pezus said:
Michael-5 said:

It's not that much harder to race using a wheel, and shifters, but you don't get as good of a time. That's one thing I hate about competetive multiplayer on GT and Forza. Do I use a wheel, get 2nd, but have fun, or use a controller, and get 1st by a mile?

Soon ethomaz, I will come for you.

I usually do better with a wheel o.O

Yea, but are you good at racing sims? I think at the more competetive end of the game, a wheel really holds you back because it's just not as responsive enough. e.g. You can't do a sharp turn, like on Tsukuba, with a steering wheel as fast as you can with a controller, even with sensitivity at 10.

For comparision, I know I'm within the top 10,000/2,500,000 (last I checked) Forza players on the Top Gear Test Track, and I think I could do better.


Last year i was 200 in GT academy, they year before that i was 130 and normally rank in the top 500 in the weekly time trails. I use a wheel. The controller is a huge disadvantage. Every now and again a controller will make it in the top of the ranking but it’s dominated by wheel users.  The pedals are everything in a racing sim. And a controller cant touch it.