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Gran Turismo 6 looks stunning.

It’s impossible to tell from one car completing a single track how it ups the ante as the PlayStation 3 comes to a close, but purely from an aesthetics standpoint, I thought it looked better than the PlayStation 4’s DriveClub.

It mightn’t have been quite as smooth around the edges as the more arcady next-gen racer, but the detail was vivd and the car was amazing.

Behind the wheel of a surprisingly complicated racing seat, I also learnt that it’s much harder to play a racing sim using a proper steering wheel immitating a flappy paddle gearbox.

Holy moly, oh how I did crash. A great many flamboyant skids evolved into uncontrollable spins that inevitably left me in an awkward starring contest with a wall. I decided to switch to an automatic transmission, and I couldn’t figure out how to get the ruddy thing into reverse. Opening the throttle and unleashing full power into the indestructible obstacle in hope of pushing myself to success worked the first four times, but eventually even it failed me and I had to restart.

I became a little self-conscious during the taunting loading screen, as this was all happening in Sony’s European E3 media room. But there were no snide German remarks bickering behind me as, frankly, the chap next to me was even worse, and Beyond: Two Souls in the adjacent display was much more interesting.

Despite my laughable incompetence, I had no time to focus on my flailing driving skills. I was astounded by how my body was reacting by sitting in the racing seat.

"During one of my many spectacular crashes, I had a sudden sinking feeling in my chest, as if my body was preparing for the sudden halt that never came." 

Umm, we were never actually moving me, but good work being on the ball for when this inevitably happens for real.

As I veered around a step corner, I felt the subtlest of movements in my torso as if I was expecting to be vigorously ragdolled by inertia.

I don’t know how else to explain it. Gran Turismo 6, coupled with a complete racing seat, confused my body enough to have it convinced that we were actually moving and I was on the brink of certain death.