mind said:
You are divorced from reality, bro. The probability of this tends to zero, not even x1 winning ps4, but wii u winning this gen. |
I'd love to hear your take on why you believe next generation will have PS4 in the lead with Wii U at last place. Right off the bat, PS4 has the least amount of exclusives with the rest of its games being multiplats. PS4 is definitely a great offer and I have no doubt that it could be first place this generation, but there are a lot of other facts to consider such as the fact that PS4 and Xbox One are now nearly indistinguishable and the fact that PC gaming is getting a lot cheaper. Additionally, if Wii U sales start to pick up, then it will get third party games because it's not the Wii where that console literally couldn't run multiplats making the Wii U the best value of all the next-generation consoles.