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JusSayian said:

And like i said this would be pointless. You would not have agreed with me anyways there was not point in me trying.

Plus i didn't contradict myself did you play killzone 1? It was horrible, even critics agree. There is no speculating at this point killzone 1 was a horrible game. The killzone series has never proven itself and killzone shadow fall isnt groundbreaking. Everytime a killzone game comes out people hype it up like there no tomorrow only for it to flop sales wise and generally critically as well. 

Its funny how you underlined what i said and had the nerve to so say  it isnt relevant yet you brought it up first, heck even that little piece about sony being so supportive of their consoles was completly irrelevant as well.

So Killzone 2 did not get excellent reviews?

I have to say, although I though Killzone 3 was rubbish, Killzone 2 is my FAVOURITE FPS this generation, maybe even of all time.

And I am very hyped for Shadow Fall... If only they would let me play as the Helghast!!! Down with the ISA!!!