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If strictly by the common definition of "winning a generation" we mean has the biggest market share : the Wii

But in truth, Sony won this generation.

First and foremost it did better than the Xbox 360 by selling MORE in total, and selling more today, although it was release one year after the Xbox 360.

And compared to the Wii that was the cheapest in terms of consoles, softwares prices but also is not selling at all anymore and has a tarnished image because of the quickly obsolete hardware and fewer AAA games on the last years.

But the three console were excellent (Wii was the BEST concept and had great exclusives, Xbox 360 was great console that actually sold the most softwares), which is the HUGE difference with the coming-gen : the Wii U is a big pile of shit that WILL fail (and unfortunately fanboys won't accept it until it does completely) and the Xbox One has a very tarnished image and THREATENING approach to both video games, consumers and indie developers.