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Zappykins said:
radha said:
Zappykins said:
radha said:
Zappykins said:

And you are not looking at the whole picture.  Perhaps it is just a bit beyond your current levels?


Well is an excellent moment for giving a technical explamantion, that way you can show you expertise.

I have already explained it numerous times.  He doesn't want an answer, just to say whatever it is he thinks he is saying.

Clearly, if you had a point or something to add to the thread you would have made one.


ill try again then, your argument that the GDDR5 ram is a bottle neck is BS, here 

"As AnandTech points out, Sony’s approach with the PS4 SoC was to use a 256-bit wide GDDR5 memory interface running somewhere around a 5.5GHz datarate, delivering peak memory bandwidth of 176GB/s. The Xbox One motherboard reveals Micron DDR3-2133 DRAM on board (16 x 16-bit DDR3 devices to be exact). A little math gives us 68.3GB/s of bandwidth to system memory. At any given moment, the PS4 commands an additional 107.7GB/s bandwidth. "

Whole article here

Edit: I had a point all the time, but since you are so arrogant i gave you the chance to prove that you are the only person the knows about elenctronics in the internetz (or at least the most knowlegable), as you seem to imply/think

Well, if you read my original post you would understand what I have several other have said.  Which could be why Sony is having a lot of trouble running the PS4 games up to a nice frame rate.  Believe me, if I really thought the PS4 was a better machines, I might consider purchasing it. (chuckles hysterically.)

If you are going to spam fail an Xbox One thread, can you at least add some pretty pictures?  How about a nice pony running on the beach, or a happy starfish.  Never get enough happy starfishes.

For the record, I'm not arrogant, I just happen to be right most all of the time.


1) MS says they dont have the best graphics

2) Xbone games at E3 where running on PCs, ps4 games on actual consoles, existing evidence points to that, there is no evidence that they ran on actual Xbone, if you bring the argument that those PC are dev kits, is a lie since, those PCs had nvidia cards and the Xbone has AMD cars which means developers dont have a similar  low level interface to the hardware.

3) rumor on the web is that the xbox will be in limited supply because MS screw the memory design.

And with ill leave you alone, is true i should not be spamming a Xbone thread, but the title is trolling ps4, but anyway you are right on that part.

dd if = /dev/brain | tail -f | grep games | nc -lnvvp 80

Hey Listen!