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theprof00 said:
sales2099 said:
9 years? please enlighten me how you could break up after that long?

Because I have been with my gf for 2.5 years so far and it is scary to think that even long term relationships such as yours are able to fall apart. I see mine going the distance but stories such as yours make me wonder.

Care to explain what exactly made it end?

We were just kind of drifting apart. Sure at 2.5 years in everything was sugary-bananas and caramel-cupcakes, but things such as life got in the way. She was into everything that I wasn't and vice versa.
On top of it, stress, money, chores, friends who don't get along, outside influences, etc. really compounded the problem. Lack of time hanging out as a result led to resentment on both sides, missed opportunities, problems.

We fought, but we always overcame it. I made a lot of mistakes taking my anger out on her, something that I surely won't do again next time.

Best advice I can offer is to make sure that money doesn't get in the way, and try to work on common interests together.  

Stress and resentment led to me hanging out with other girls, and after that the book just started writing itself.

I think we are both better off having been together, and we will both be better being apart. As I said, we will continue to remain the staunchest of allies and friends, and will hang out. But we need time apart. Eventually, if it was meant to be, it'll work itself out. Nothing is forever,

Thats the point, nothing is forever and after 9 years together it is sure anyways rather like a friendship, the fire or attraction goes usually after a few years.