ironmanDX said:
Unfortunately, almost none of the PS4/Xbone/Wii U games I'm very interested in will be released very close to launch. The same thing happened with Wii U once some major "launch window" games were delayed into the fall - such as Pikmin 3, Rayman Legends, and The Wonderful 101.
I'd like to get Wii U by the end of this year and make Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze my first game, which is perfect because Donkey Kong Country Returns was the game that finally made me break down and buy a Wii. After that I'll be setting aside some money for PS4 and hopefully buy it along with Infamous before next summer. As for Xbone, I need more information on its games (preferably release dates). Now that Microsoft backtracked on certain policies, I think it'll be a good (albiet expensive) system with much more diverse, worthwhile exclusives than 360 by a country mile.
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