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I am very anti-piracy for all mediums. I play games, listen to music, read comics, etc. When I purchase something I am supporting the continued production of what I like.

I buy Wii games. and rent them from gamefly. because the more money I spend on Wii games is a bigger vote for more Wii Games. I have started putting Ps3 games on my GameQ, and there are a few coming up I might purchase if my brother does not.
Those are my actions to help gaming.

I hated the Civil War Storyline so much that I stopped buying massive amounts of Marvels books each month. I doubt they miss my money, but my lack of spending is a vote against their current stories. Conversely, my friend who complains about me being picky and unreasonable when it comes to comics- downloads them. His approval of Marvel is not registered, but my lack of approval is.

I joined Itunes to download Stargate-Sg1 in support of the show. I also download Scrubs from them. I only rarely buy Dvds because there was a time I was buying so many of them that I wasn't watching them. The few I buy are only things I really like and want to support.


Edit: I personally have no respect for pirates- in terms of people who steal content, not the seafaring kind. The excuses are the same for all mediums and they are all equally lame.  

"But as always, technology refused to be dignity's bitch."--Vance DeGeneres