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starcraft said:
MikeB said:
@ epinefridis

Even a launch game like Kameo was said to use up up to 83% of potential CPU cycles on the 360. With some optimisation and pushing more horse power out the 360 you can still achieve quite a bit more, but current exclusive games like Mass Effect and the high profile Halo 3 aren't technically challenged for no apparent reason. The 360 is hitting its bottlenecks, not caused by still immature game engines.

Gears of War isn't easily compared to GTA IV, GTA VI povides a huge open world and Gears provides a linear gaming experience. Of course Gears looks good, but it's also a slow moving game and I really had a feeling of being trapped moving around in a glass box environment right from the start on the 360.

Whilst I have always been doubtful when it comes to usage percentages on ANY console, the way games look and play better over the course of a generation has nothing to do with how much power is used, and everything to do with how that power is used. 

It was a Sony dev that said he's using most of the PS3's power, but also that he would find more efficient ways to use it in the future.  This highlights how meaningless numbers like the one you just used are.

A Sony developer? Who might this be? Building a PS3 engine to get the most out of the SPEs takes years of coding due to differences with how legacy game engines were styled...

I know Epic claimed to have pushed the 360 to its max with Gears. Epic however admits they still will make good gains on the PS3 as their engine matures compared to the current state with Unreal Tournament 3. They even stated 1080p unreal engine based PS3 games will likely be feasible in the future. Interesting considering Epic is closely connected with Microsoft (which claimed performing 1080p games are impossible for current consoles).

Naughty Dog: "At Naughty Dog, we're pretty sure we should be able to see leaps between games on the PS3 that are even bigger than they were on the PS2."

PS3 vs 360 sales