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Michael-5 said:

I'm not 100% sure about this, but does VGC put half the countries in Europe in "Rest of World"? I think VGC's Europe is just UK, Spain, Portugal, France, Germany, Italy, Sweden, Denmark, and a couple others. Countries like Bosnia, Poland, Ukraine, Romaina and split countries like Russia, and Turkey are not included in Europe sales because statirsitcs are too hard to track in those regions.

I can understand Russia, since by land it's mostly part of asia, but a large portion of its population is still part of Europe.

Shows how silly VGC tracking is.

But UK + Gemany > 1.5 million... VGC shows 1.9 million... 400k for Spaon, Portugal, France, Germany, Italy, etc? No way.

And before they showed 4 million for Europe in VG... that's only a bug I guess.