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This person is a fraud. Everyone of us close to this (No I can't tell you who I work for) knew from day one the Family sharing system included full games not demos. Eventhough the public pushed back on game disk don't be suprised if you see the Family Sharing system implemented for digital downloaded games anyway. If you have half a brain think for 30 seconds. Why in hell would there be a system put in place where you have to be a member on a family list for 30 days just to play a timed demo and only one family member at a time can play it??? Every game including AAA titles will include a demo from day one anyone can play even people that don't belong to a family list in the first place. The post is bullshit designed to bring controversy to a great idea.

In the end I blame MS for failing to explain why the DRM was put in place and how the Family Sharing system would work from day one. They did a horible job...

Staytuned :)