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Goatseye said:
radha said:


Note that the video card is 4TF and the Xbone will be 1.2TF

C'mon don't be selective when you talk about articles. This is about getting the right info so people can be informed here, what you doing is very childish.

[Update: Microsoft responds saying that PCs running Win 7 on GTX cards are Xbox One dev kits]

[Update: PS4 developers state that their games were running on actual PS4 dev kits, not high-end PCs]

err... that is exactly what i wanted to point out, the Xbone dev kits are PCs with "similar" specs while the ps4 dev kits are the actual consoles. The Xbone has AMD videos cards, the Xbone dev kits have Nvidias? is BS, GTX are not similar to the XBone video cards.

dd if = /dev/brain | tail -f | grep games | nc -lnvvp 80

Hey Listen!