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I really didn't like Phantom Hourglass at all. I thought it was bland, boring, repetivie and the most plain Zelda game ever released.

It doesn't do a single thing better then it's "prequel", The Wind Waker.

There's just so many meh and bad things in PH....sailing is even duller than in TWW...the graphics look somewhat bizarre (Link and the other characters are freaky looking)...the music is the worst in the series, the dungeons are very short and very easy...ugh.

But the one thing that killed the game for the stealth, TIMED dungeon that you have to do FIVE TIMES over the course of the game? All I can say is...WTF? Who approved that idea at Nintendo's Game Studios?

So what did you think of PH?

Top 3 favorite games: Super Mario Galaxy, The Sims 2 (PC), The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker