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Sony screwed up with their launch line up, as well as with their games lineup at E3.

I've said it before. They should've made TLoU a ps4 exclusive; GT6 should be on ps4 rather than ps3 (its like they WANT to let Forza overtake their only system selling franchise). Now, instead, they have NOTHING that appeals to the masses.

I'm a PS guy due to game preference - - I like lots of the games Sony has as exclusives, and only have interest in Gears on MS's side - - but, even I can't find a reason to get a ps4 at launch. I truly WANT a reason to buy a launch ps4; but, I just can't justify the purchase due to their lackluster lineup. I absolutely can't wait for inFAMOUS: SS, and will buy a ps4 for it; but alas, its not a launch game.

KZ:SF and Knack still interest me more than anything XBO has at launch (tho probably not enough to get either); but, if I'm being honest, I think that - - when speaking in terms of mass appeal - - MS has the stronger launch lineup.

Sony has so many big games in development that I think we all should be excited, but again, they didn't make this evident AT ALLL at E3.

Just bc I've been wanting to say this for a while...I've been shocked every time I've heard someone claim Ryse to be some great looking game. It reminds me of the times I've seen the Sony brethren (God bless u) praise some upcoming ps3 exclusive, and I'm just like "hmm...I don't see the appeal." Then it ends up bombing. I thought Ryse looked quite underwhelming and am willing to bet hi stakes its gonna be crap. Anyone else think it looks bad? (For the record, I'm not saying some ppl.might not still enjoy it; just that overall it will end up being mediocre at best)