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If we're going to look at how much software a console is moving, we have to look at more than just million sellers, because like I pointed out in my last post, not all games (even good ones) are going to make it to a million. We need to look at how many games have sold over 250k at least, and what's the breakdown of those games that have sold over 250k. Like how many have sold 500k, 750k, and a million.

Then you also have to consider the fact that it's just not sales that matter, it's also about where profitability would be for each game. It's hard to know how much a game as to sell to be profitable, but we can assume it's lower on the Wii than on the PS3.

Lastly, Riot, do you believe that the Wii is competing directly or indirectly with the PS3? Directly meaning it's fighting over the same audience (though it does not exclude the Wii from expanding the market); i.e. If the Wii wasn't on the market, the PS3 would be selling significantly better than it is now. Indirectly meaning they are not competing at any level; i.e. If the Wii wasn't on the market, the PS3 would not sell significantly better than it is now. Just curious.