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Zero999 said:
AndrewWK said:

3:00-4:00 about the gamepad

Talking about Nintendo and Third Partie is exhausting its like talking about politics, and I had enough of that in the last few days.

You know what? Whatever man, believe whatever you want

what about the gamepad? was there something in the video related to what we talked about? because certainly a video showing how the touchscreen works means sh#t about how the buttons work.

" it is multiple times more powerfull in regards of processing power"

You think that is a lie?  Wow now i have seen everything

*run away screaming "Some crazy dude in the internet thinks that the Wii U is as powerful as the Xbone, LOL"* 

dd if = /dev/brain | tail -f | grep games | nc -lnvvp 80

Hey Listen!