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Jadedx said:

LOL if you think used game sales is not killing gaming, there have been multiple articles saying this for years.

I know you are going to  compare it stuff like used movies, music, and cars so let me poke holes in that before you even bring it up.

These are the ways creators make money off of their products.


Movies  =  4 streams of revenue: Theater, digital rentals, dvd sales, tv syndication.

Music =  3  streams of revenue: Radio, concerts, music streaming sites.

Cars = different model,  much higher profit margin much longer length of ownership.

Games = 2  streams of revenue first sale (dd or disc), dlc, and not everyone who gets the disc buys dlc.

Another thing of note is that movies and music don't have stores like gamestop pushing used sales.


Every city has used sales companies doing just that for all media types along with swap meets selling ripped fake products far easier than fake games.

Used markets in every market has the same benefit of keeping flowing. People buy new, resell with some loss and buy another new. Then there are those who can't afford new and get into a market via its cheaper used sibling. Then when they grow up and have cash.. guess what. They buy new.

Gaming also has new sales and rentals for revenue. Gaming also has FAR higher initial costs than music/movie. Kinda why big games actually create more revenue that big movies a lot of the time. Gaming also, like movies, has resells of the same content due to releasing variations. (GOTY, etc)

Gaming needs to focus on making digital markets (where there are far lower costs to the publisher/dev) more attractive like Steam does. People will largely naturally shift to them over time and overall there will be more units sold in general due to lower prices.

Used gaming is a scapegoat. If it were removed, people wouldn't magically spend more money on games. They'd just buy less. Causing an actually reduction in games purchased and therefore less money earned by content makers.

These companies need to make better games. Don't rush out bloated over-budget crap. Streamline their business model and focus on quality. Why do you think Nintendo was still the most profitable gaming company during Gamecube days? Why do you think their content like Mario Kart or Zelda will remain $50 (full price) for years later, well beyond anything any other AAA game does? They create value in what they make. In every case a AAA Nintendo game holds a far higher resell / long-term value than any other publisher for this one reason alone.