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Withdrawing the DRM was a step in the right direction, but it still won't be enough for Microsoft. The Xbox One will still trail the PS4 in the US & UK, and it will be utterly destroyed everywhere else.

However, here is a list of things that Microsoft can do to boost the Xbox brand, and have a chance at staying competitive this next gen:

1) SKU without Kinect. By loosing the camera, Xbox can drop to a more competitive price point. Core gamers don't care about the peripheral, and they will not pay 100 dollars extra for it. Especially when the competition comes with better hardware. And don't expect casuals to buy consoles ever again. This isn't 2006. They are too busy with their iPads to care.

2) Focus on first party exclusives. It was games like Gears of War that gave the XBox 360 market dominance in its early years. After 2008-09 though, we stopped seeing new IPs from Microsoft. They need to focus on acquiring studios and delivering at least 1 great IP every other year or so.

3) Free online multiplayer. It is established by now that the PS4 has superior hardware, due to faster system memory and a beefier GPU. Xbox One needs to come up with a selling point. How about, free online multiplayer on Xbox Live? For games that don't use dedicated servers at least. Now that would shake things quite a bit.